CNN Eatocracy – Eat these 7 things before summer ends
Summer’s nearly over, and according to CNN and Eatocracy, our Peach Lambic is one of the “must try” treats of the season, Read more here.
” (CNN) — It’s not long now. The end of summer. That’s not bad news for everyone. Fall fashion fans. Parents who have spent enough quality time with their kids. Halloween enthusiasts.
But it is the last chance to savor some amazing foods that will be gone when summer is over, or not long afterward. Here are some things to try before it’s too late:
Peach Lambic Ice Cream: Turner Field — Atlanta, Georgia (@FrozenPints @Rathbunkevin)
Turner Field’s days are numbered: In 2017, the Braves will move to a brand-new $670 million home. But while they keep playing (into October if they can make it past the regular season, fingers crossed), there’s the chance to have Frozen Pints: Craft beer–infused ice cream in cool flavors like malted milk–chocolate stout, vanilla bock, brown ale chip and peach lambic. Added bonus: A few sections away, you can get Kevin Rathbun’s sliced sirloin sandwich with horseradish cream. “